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yo people! xy is finally back after so many days...and with new profile!!*claps* hahaahaa kinda perasan. anyway. did u notice? the comments buttons are not working. when u click on it, it says there's an error. but i dunno how to edit it. something to do with the html, i guess... help me yea people? thank you~
I've been tagged by: Evelyn!! 1) Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. 2) People who get tagged needs to write in their blog of their own weird things as well and state the rules clearly. 3) In the end, you'll select 5 people to be tagged and list their names oh but like what others did, i decided not to add this burden unto you people. Nice miss xiang yi, i know u're saying it silently in your heart. I shall begin. Don't wanna waste my time here crapping and naggging. 1. I, erm, tend to laugh at others at their weakness on certain things. You may think it's mean, hell yea i know it is very mean, but what to do, i just cant control myself from that. Forgive me ba if i ever laughed at you. Or whatever. 2. I dislike small nimals. Or say,scared of them. Even hamster. When I was in Form 4(yea xy was still young and naive at that time), my Jie brought 2 cute little, oh no, wait, i mean, small evil white hamster to MDM Tan's Add Math tuition class. He put those two scary creature on my desks when i turned back and talk to Jennifer who sat right behind of me. When i face front back, that two scary creature just ran around my desks wild and naked!!! And yes, i screamed!! The whole class was stunned and looked at me in amaze. Very very very malu, my friend still laugh at me bout this nowadays. Thanks to my BELOVED Jie Jie huh. 3. I am more energetic when i sleep less than 6 hours. 4. I eat chili and am loving it. 5. I dance to the music, sometimes. 6. I love hugs from friends. (AGNEZ!!!! miss you hips dear~)
最近老是想很多過去的事。 中四中五是我中學生涯最最快樂的兩年。希望能夠永遠記得當時和同班同學一同分享的快樂時光,還有校外的同學。 想啊想的,思想飛得老遠。中四那年,有個男生曾經彈了當年紅極一時的"當你"給我聽。當時我還傻傻地說:哎,彈錯調了啦,走音了~ 很不識趣喔~哈哈哈哈...現在想起來,還真是覺得自己的EQ超低的... 那個男生,據我朋友推測是對我有意思,可是我真的真的就只把他當成很好很好的朋友,僅此而已。可是沒有人會相信吧?男生和女生之間,為什么不可能是純友誼呢? 現在,他已經回去KL繼續深造,我呢,也依然留在JB讀我那討人厭的中六課程。很久沒和他通電話了,不知道他過得怎樣...希望過的很好咯... 其實還蠻遺憾的。曾經是無話不談的好朋友,連我心底深處的秘密都知道的好知己,卻因為斷了聯系而讓友誼漸漸逝去。 同一年,認識了一個要當我哥的男孩,可是我就是沒有想叫他一聲哥哥的意愿。 那天補習到一半,他轉身過來問我:哎,你要不要做我的妹妹? 我:不要。 他:做么不要? 我:我有哥哥了啦,叫你姐姐好不好? 他:有哥哥又怎樣?我以后就叫你妹了。妹妹~ 我:哦。姐姐! 他:啥?!!(一臉冷掉) 哈哈哈,當時的情況大概就是醬,我也不是很記得了,只記得那個畫面超好笑的,坐我旁邊的朋友笑得差點沒滾在地上。 后來逛街遇到他,他總會和他身邊的人介紹:噯,這是我妹。可愛嗎?圓圓的。 我很想蓋他一巴掌,不過還好忍住了。于是我回敬他一句:對,他是我姐。 他身邊的朋友聽到我叫他姐姐都一臉不可置信的模樣。哈哈哈哈哈哈,活該,知道你妹不是省油的燈了吧~ 后來的后來,全世界都知道我有這么一位姐姐。有人羨慕,有人不屑,有人還誤會我和他是有着不可告人的關系,所以要用姐妹這種關系來掩飾。哈哈哈哈,這種傳言,我只當成笑話來看,清者自清,不是嗎... 可是現在,也都因為各奔前程,斷了聯系。 真的很懷念當時一同打拼的那一群buddy...希望大家都過得很好.... 想着想着,眼淚又不由自主地落下。何年何月,我們才能再見? 畢了業的朋友間的友誼,就像斷了的弦一樣,再怎么接,音都不對...時間不會倒流,所以各位,珍惜眼前人。真的。 不管怎樣,我相信回憶永遠是最美的。 你美好的記憶中,又有沒有我的位置呢?
I'm not sure what's wrong with me. But this few days i'm really stressed out, because of that stupid dupid form 6 year end exam. ARGGHHHH!!!! Just which stupid idiot create this stupid-est thing on earth?? xiang yi has lost her temper! and she's going nuts SOON!! Was in reaally bad mood for no reason...the ever smiling xiang yi has not been smiling for days, and i totally dunno what's happenin.............................................
me and qiao shuang...
From left: Qiao Shuang, Hui En, xy and Phay Shu~ love this shot ^_~ Jian Zi and Yew Kit....she din really want to take pucture with him though...hahaa...
Yew kit the pervert and xy. He's a nice guy la though sometimes abit ham sep and abit annoying.....
Yes, like i've promised, here's those picture we took last week. I think i've mentioned it in my previous post. Nice rite? hahaa...finally found some picture-taking-kakies (aka camwhore)...haha...always wanted to take picture with them but didn't get the chance to. Yea, i admit i'm a coward la, i dare not bring phone to school. Scared my phone kena rampas ma...the discipline teacher神出鬼沒, damn scary 1 lo...kena rampas then sure habis 1...
 Oh and about this picture, it's KROX'S HAND! super duper poor thing, kena bite by dunno what kind of mosquito until it swells like that...kesian...evil me, i even scared him that he sure will kena dengue fever...hahaa...such a good friend huh...
Today is my second day of working as as a librarian. Lst week din get to take picture so didn't mention bout it. When i was in secondary school, i swear to myself saying that i will NEVER EVER be so stupid and apply to be a librarian. Now? I've become a member of that tiny library of SSI. what to do, i need more coco points in order to get in to uni..sigh..we all have to bow down in front of the idiotic coco points no matter how hebat u think u are... It was actually quite relaxing. Duty starts at 1.30 pm and ends at 4.30. But, ya like what you are going to witness, here's what we do in the library instead of what we should. 1. Have a good rest in the air-conditioned counter and thought nobody else is watching. GOTCHA! These are the most valuable books in the entire school. It comes with a box and i think even a single box will cost u a bomb. (it's history of China, Myst of the world, myst of China history-unsolved case and some literature books, of course, in chinese.) Our empty library. Mwahahaa, good news for us, no need to work so hard...hehee...空蕩蕩的~
本来刚开始写部落格的时候,是单纯地想把开心和不开心的事情统统和读者们分享的。可是到后来,写的好像都是不愉快的东西。 好吧,今天要写一点快乐的。不想把忧郁无止境的蔓延开来,自己忧郁就算了,怎么能够连累你们呢。。。 好啦,我要开始咯~ 上个星期的某一天:每个人的精神都绷得紧紧的。MUET (Malaysian University English Test)的老师要我们每个人准备一篇作文,然后站在课室前面public speaking。真想掐她~~真是的,自从小学毕业,我已经好久好久没面对群众演讲了。心情,还真的有点怪怪的。 好啦,准备好好一切了,只等着名字被叫到。可是,不知道是幸运还是不幸,两节下来竟然还没轮到我。结果?又要拖到下个星期了。。 星期四,一个叫做asad的马来男生进来我们班。然后,大部分的男同学都围了上去和他讲话。原来是以前在这里上过几个星期课的同学,回来探望朋友。真的是超轰动的咯。我,Phay Su,Hui En和巧双趁着混乱,在课室里拍了一大堆照片。整群男生望过来,看到我们也直摇头,不了解为什么女生那么爱拍照。哇哈哈,如果男生也那么爱自拍,才真的是奇怪咧。(嘉昌同学,我真的真的没有在映射你哦,真的没有哦~) asad说,有女同学才好咧,他的新同学都没有多少个女生。哈哈哈。。。不过我们Physics班的女生也没有很多啊,班上21个人,只有7个女生,比例是二对一。不过我们的凝聚力很强,常常都是混在一起的。好笑的是,我们班的男生多数是大男人主义,女生也大多数是大女人主义。一谈到这种话题,通常是火星撞地球,所以大家都尽量避免。有一次,老大说:"男人当然想要娶个处女回家啦,说不介意的都是骗人的。"结果?全班群起攻之,他吓得一句话都不敢反驳,只有尴尬地笑笑。另一次,有一个男生在课室发表伟论,说女生就应该留在家里洗衣煮饭。话还没说完,全班,(真的是全班哦),转过头来看着他。女生的眼里都快喷出火来了。他急忙撇清,说只是开玩笑而已。不过太迟了,全班还是把他念个体无完肤,连坐他隔壁的老大也忍不住揶揄他,以过来人的身份说他怎么可以在班上说这些东西,没死过哦。笑死我了。。 补习的时候,不知从哪里飞来一只蟑螂,就附在厕所门上。坐靠近厕所门的人,包括男生,都吓得脸青青。如果我有带相机,我一定拍下来让你看他们花容失色的样子。哈哈,好像很幸灾乐祸hor?不过我是异类啦,从小就不怕蟑螂,连那种会飞的都不放在眼里。偷偷告诉你,家里的蟑螂都是我一手包办的哦,连哥哥见到蟑螂都要找我求助。如果你需要我的协助,请拨打热线,016-755xxxx,收费为每一只一百大元正。 星期五的时候,很多老师都没进班。是好事啦,我们又可以肆无忌惮地聊天讲废话了,因为我们班处在一个极佳的地理位置,离开别的课室超远,怎样吵都没有人会投诉。不记得班长突然讲了什么,我忍不住骂了一句:YER,你这个死变态!班长一脸不悦地瞪着我,说:"干吗骂我死变态,我又还没死,叫我变态不就好了咯!" 哇!经典咯这一句,快点记下来,改次可以用。 好啦,这个星期在学校发生的事大概就这么多啦,如果想知道更多的话,请亲临现场,座位先到先得!
我是不是一个表里不一的人呢? 带着一箩筐的面具,随着不同场合地点人群,戴上不一样的面具,这个就是人生吗? 曾经那么排斥这些的我,开始慢慢被同化了. 曾经,我是一个不管任何场合,都能够如鱼得水的一个女孩. 曾经,我也是一个横冲直撞,常常得罪人,但却率直天真不隐藏情绪的人. 可是,成长,这个讨人厌的词汇,却慢慢把我变成了一个生活的傀儡. 当人人都觉得我是个没有压力,性格开朗的女生,我自己却察觉到并不是这么一回事. 带给人欢笑的背后,却是深深的忧郁和自卑. 很少有人察觉到吧? 许多认识很久的老朋友,到现在仍然被蒙在鼓里. 是我太会乔装了吗?可能吧.... 真正让我放下面具,做回自己的人,真的不多. 知道我这一面的人,谢谢你们.真的.能够聆听我诉苦,就已经能够让我很感动了. 健子说过,全世界的人都在努力争取自己想要的,所以我也不能输. 只要我一有消极的想法,她就会第一时间骂醒我. 那天收到她传来的简讯,我真的哭了.说了许多很感性的话,要我坚强.虽然很难,但是,有很多人陪我,一起咯...眼泪不受控制地就滑了下来... 我,真的没有你们想象中那么坚强. 我只是习惯用微笑去伪装......
Blogging is all about sharing, isn't it? XY happen to read some articles on friendster and here's one which i think worth reading. And, ever-so-nice-xiangyi has decided to post it up here for those who does not have friendster to read. Claps for xiangyi, she's such a nice and helpful person~! (and for those who doesn't know what friendster is, click http://www.friendster.com , you coconut.) 1.) Fine :**This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. 2.) Five Minutes:**If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. 3.) Nothing :** This is the calm before the storm.This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with Nothing usually end in Fine. 4.) Go Ahead :**This is a dare, not permission.Don't Do It! 5.) Loud Sigh :**This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men.A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about Nothing.(Refer back to #3 for the meaning ofNothing.) 6.) That's Okay :**This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's Okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. 7.) Thanks:**A woman is thanking you, do notquestion, or Faint.Just say you're welcome. 8.) Whatever:**Is a women's way of saying SCREW YOU! 9.) Don't worry about it, I got it:**Another dangerous statement,meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself.This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?"For the woman's response refer to #3. Alright you may not find it funny but I think that's SO TRUE.Oh and btw, COCONUT is a new word of cursing when you do not want to act like lousy people by saying the word F*ck. but then again, saying this word makes me feel so un-glam. what a lame ness huh... alright,enough of blogging. shall start cracking my brain cells for de damn mathematics exercise. =(
have stronger faith in God.
learn swimming.
learn how to play drum + guitar.
know the right one God appointed for me.
score >3.75 for this sem. and for all the following sems
have vacation at Langkawi / Pulau Redang!!
buy herself an iPod!!
bring mom's little kancil to Melaka!
slim down.
grow taller.
get black belt for karate-do - though missed so many lessons.....
Adeline Boey
Agnez dearie
Bukit Beruang布道所
Boon Tat (UTeM)
Cin Yi (UTeM)
David Ng+Michelle
Dorothea aka Dotz
Eng 锦茵
Elaine Pan
EricTheVikingHamilton Chia
Esther Loke
Gabriel Gan
Jared (UTeM)
Jennifer [locked]
Jonathan mata sepet Si
Joshua Lee
Kent Choon Hong
Lee Mun
Mangkuk United
Mark Lam [locked]
Nessa [locked]
pc bon
Rachel Chua
Rachel Tee
Rainy polka Dotz
Sara Little Girl Girl
Shan Lei
Steph Tay
Stephanie Duke
Teen Street
Tze Yin
Vivian Lee
Wendy Yee Jia Lin
Wei Xun
Yi Jing
♥ YvOnNe ♥
Zu Kang DiDi
文芳 (UTeM)
yo people! xy is finally back after so many days...and with new profile!!*claps* hahaahaa kinda perasan. anyway. did u notice? the comments buttons are not working. when u click on it, it says there's an error. but i dunno how to edit it. something to do with the html, i guess... help me yea people? thank you~
I've been tagged by: Evelyn!! 1) Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. 2) People who get tagged needs to write in their blog of their own weird things as well and state the rules clearly. 3) In the end, you'll select 5 people to be tagged and list their names oh but like what others did, i decided not to add this burden unto you people. Nice miss xiang yi, i know u're saying it silently in your heart. I shall begin. Don't wanna waste my time here crapping and naggging. 1. I, erm, tend to laugh at others at their weakness on certain things. You may think it's mean, hell yea i know it is very mean, but what to do, i just cant control myself from that. Forgive me ba if i ever laughed at you. Or whatever. 2. I dislike small nimals. Or say,scared of them. Even hamster. When I was in Form 4(yea xy was still young and naive at that time), my Jie brought 2 cute little, oh no, wait, i mean, small evil white hamster to MDM Tan's Add Math tuition class. He put those two scary creature on my desks when i turned back and talk to Jennifer who sat right behind of me. When i face front back, that two scary creature just ran around my desks wild and naked!!! And yes, i screamed!! The whole class was stunned and looked at me in amaze. Very very very malu, my friend still laugh at me bout this nowadays. Thanks to my BELOVED Jie Jie huh. 3. I am more energetic when i sleep less than 6 hours. 4. I eat chili and am loving it. 5. I dance to the music, sometimes. 6. I love hugs from friends. (AGNEZ!!!! miss you hips dear~)
最近老是想很多過去的事。 中四中五是我中學生涯最最快樂的兩年。希望能夠永遠記得當時和同班同學一同分享的快樂時光,還有校外的同學。 想啊想的,思想飛得老遠。中四那年,有個男生曾經彈了當年紅極一時的"當你"給我聽。當時我還傻傻地說:哎,彈錯調了啦,走音了~ 很不識趣喔~哈哈哈哈...現在想起來,還真是覺得自己的EQ超低的... 那個男生,據我朋友推測是對我有意思,可是我真的真的就只把他當成很好很好的朋友,僅此而已。可是沒有人會相信吧?男生和女生之間,為什么不可能是純友誼呢? 現在,他已經回去KL繼續深造,我呢,也依然留在JB讀我那討人厭的中六課程。很久沒和他通電話了,不知道他過得怎樣...希望過的很好咯... 其實還蠻遺憾的。曾經是無話不談的好朋友,連我心底深處的秘密都知道的好知己,卻因為斷了聯系而讓友誼漸漸逝去。 同一年,認識了一個要當我哥的男孩,可是我就是沒有想叫他一聲哥哥的意愿。 那天補習到一半,他轉身過來問我:哎,你要不要做我的妹妹? 我:不要。 他:做么不要? 我:我有哥哥了啦,叫你姐姐好不好? 他:有哥哥又怎樣?我以后就叫你妹了。妹妹~ 我:哦。姐姐! 他:啥?!!(一臉冷掉) 哈哈哈,當時的情況大概就是醬,我也不是很記得了,只記得那個畫面超好笑的,坐我旁邊的朋友笑得差點沒滾在地上。 后來逛街遇到他,他總會和他身邊的人介紹:噯,這是我妹。可愛嗎?圓圓的。 我很想蓋他一巴掌,不過還好忍住了。于是我回敬他一句:對,他是我姐。 他身邊的朋友聽到我叫他姐姐都一臉不可置信的模樣。哈哈哈哈哈哈,活該,知道你妹不是省油的燈了吧~ 后來的后來,全世界都知道我有這么一位姐姐。有人羨慕,有人不屑,有人還誤會我和他是有着不可告人的關系,所以要用姐妹這種關系來掩飾。哈哈哈哈,這種傳言,我只當成笑話來看,清者自清,不是嗎... 可是現在,也都因為各奔前程,斷了聯系。 真的很懷念當時一同打拼的那一群buddy...希望大家都過得很好.... 想着想着,眼淚又不由自主地落下。何年何月,我們才能再見? 畢了業的朋友間的友誼,就像斷了的弦一樣,再怎么接,音都不對...時間不會倒流,所以各位,珍惜眼前人。真的。 不管怎樣,我相信回憶永遠是最美的。 你美好的記憶中,又有沒有我的位置呢?
I'm not sure what's wrong with me. But this few days i'm really stressed out, because of that stupid dupid form 6 year end exam. ARGGHHHH!!!! Just which stupid idiot create this stupid-est thing on earth?? xiang yi has lost her temper! and she's going nuts SOON!! Was in reaally bad mood for no reason...the ever smiling xiang yi has not been smiling for days, and i totally dunno what's happenin.............................................
me and qiao shuang...
From left: Qiao Shuang, Hui En, xy and Phay Shu~ love this shot ^_~ Jian Zi and Yew Kit....she din really want to take pucture with him though...hahaa...
Yew kit the pervert and xy. He's a nice guy la though sometimes abit ham sep and abit annoying.....
Yes, like i've promised, here's those picture we took last week. I think i've mentioned it in my previous post. Nice rite? hahaa...finally found some picture-taking-kakies (aka camwhore)...haha...always wanted to take picture with them but didn't get the chance to. Yea, i admit i'm a coward la, i dare not bring phone to school. Scared my phone kena rampas ma...the discipline teacher神出鬼沒, damn scary 1 lo...kena rampas then sure habis 1...
 Oh and about this picture, it's KROX'S HAND! super duper poor thing, kena bite by dunno what kind of mosquito until it swells like that...kesian...evil me, i even scared him that he sure will kena dengue fever...hahaa...such a good friend huh...
Today is my second day of working as as a librarian. Lst week din get to take picture so didn't mention bout it. When i was in secondary school, i swear to myself saying that i will NEVER EVER be so stupid and apply to be a librarian. Now? I've become a member of that tiny library of SSI. what to do, i need more coco points in order to get in to uni..sigh..we all have to bow down in front of the idiotic coco points no matter how hebat u think u are... It was actually quite relaxing. Duty starts at 1.30 pm and ends at 4.30. But, ya like what you are going to witness, here's what we do in the library instead of what we should. 1. Have a good rest in the air-conditioned counter and thought nobody else is watching. GOTCHA! These are the most valuable books in the entire school. It comes with a box and i think even a single box will cost u a bomb. (it's history of China, Myst of the world, myst of China history-unsolved case and some literature books, of course, in chinese.) Our empty library. Mwahahaa, good news for us, no need to work so hard...hehee...空蕩蕩的~
本来刚开始写部落格的时候,是单纯地想把开心和不开心的事情统统和读者们分享的。可是到后来,写的好像都是不愉快的东西。 好吧,今天要写一点快乐的。不想把忧郁无止境的蔓延开来,自己忧郁就算了,怎么能够连累你们呢。。。 好啦,我要开始咯~ 上个星期的某一天:每个人的精神都绷得紧紧的。MUET (Malaysian University English Test)的老师要我们每个人准备一篇作文,然后站在课室前面public speaking。真想掐她~~真是的,自从小学毕业,我已经好久好久没面对群众演讲了。心情,还真的有点怪怪的。 好啦,准备好好一切了,只等着名字被叫到。可是,不知道是幸运还是不幸,两节下来竟然还没轮到我。结果?又要拖到下个星期了。。 星期四,一个叫做asad的马来男生进来我们班。然后,大部分的男同学都围了上去和他讲话。原来是以前在这里上过几个星期课的同学,回来探望朋友。真的是超轰动的咯。我,Phay Su,Hui En和巧双趁着混乱,在课室里拍了一大堆照片。整群男生望过来,看到我们也直摇头,不了解为什么女生那么爱拍照。哇哈哈,如果男生也那么爱自拍,才真的是奇怪咧。(嘉昌同学,我真的真的没有在映射你哦,真的没有哦~) asad说,有女同学才好咧,他的新同学都没有多少个女生。哈哈哈。。。不过我们Physics班的女生也没有很多啊,班上21个人,只有7个女生,比例是二对一。不过我们的凝聚力很强,常常都是混在一起的。好笑的是,我们班的男生多数是大男人主义,女生也大多数是大女人主义。一谈到这种话题,通常是火星撞地球,所以大家都尽量避免。有一次,老大说:"男人当然想要娶个处女回家啦,说不介意的都是骗人的。"结果?全班群起攻之,他吓得一句话都不敢反驳,只有尴尬地笑笑。另一次,有一个男生在课室发表伟论,说女生就应该留在家里洗衣煮饭。话还没说完,全班,(真的是全班哦),转过头来看着他。女生的眼里都快喷出火来了。他急忙撇清,说只是开玩笑而已。不过太迟了,全班还是把他念个体无完肤,连坐他隔壁的老大也忍不住揶揄他,以过来人的身份说他怎么可以在班上说这些东西,没死过哦。笑死我了。。 补习的时候,不知从哪里飞来一只蟑螂,就附在厕所门上。坐靠近厕所门的人,包括男生,都吓得脸青青。如果我有带相机,我一定拍下来让你看他们花容失色的样子。哈哈,好像很幸灾乐祸hor?不过我是异类啦,从小就不怕蟑螂,连那种会飞的都不放在眼里。偷偷告诉你,家里的蟑螂都是我一手包办的哦,连哥哥见到蟑螂都要找我求助。如果你需要我的协助,请拨打热线,016-755xxxx,收费为每一只一百大元正。 星期五的时候,很多老师都没进班。是好事啦,我们又可以肆无忌惮地聊天讲废话了,因为我们班处在一个极佳的地理位置,离开别的课室超远,怎样吵都没有人会投诉。不记得班长突然讲了什么,我忍不住骂了一句:YER,你这个死变态!班长一脸不悦地瞪着我,说:"干吗骂我死变态,我又还没死,叫我变态不就好了咯!" 哇!经典咯这一句,快点记下来,改次可以用。 好啦,这个星期在学校发生的事大概就这么多啦,如果想知道更多的话,请亲临现场,座位先到先得!
我是不是一个表里不一的人呢? 带着一箩筐的面具,随着不同场合地点人群,戴上不一样的面具,这个就是人生吗? 曾经那么排斥这些的我,开始慢慢被同化了. 曾经,我是一个不管任何场合,都能够如鱼得水的一个女孩. 曾经,我也是一个横冲直撞,常常得罪人,但却率直天真不隐藏情绪的人. 可是,成长,这个讨人厌的词汇,却慢慢把我变成了一个生活的傀儡. 当人人都觉得我是个没有压力,性格开朗的女生,我自己却察觉到并不是这么一回事. 带给人欢笑的背后,却是深深的忧郁和自卑. 很少有人察觉到吧? 许多认识很久的老朋友,到现在仍然被蒙在鼓里. 是我太会乔装了吗?可能吧.... 真正让我放下面具,做回自己的人,真的不多. 知道我这一面的人,谢谢你们.真的.能够聆听我诉苦,就已经能够让我很感动了. 健子说过,全世界的人都在努力争取自己想要的,所以我也不能输. 只要我一有消极的想法,她就会第一时间骂醒我. 那天收到她传来的简讯,我真的哭了.说了许多很感性的话,要我坚强.虽然很难,但是,有很多人陪我,一起咯...眼泪不受控制地就滑了下来... 我,真的没有你们想象中那么坚强. 我只是习惯用微笑去伪装......
Blogging is all about sharing, isn't it? XY happen to read some articles on friendster and here's one which i think worth reading. And, ever-so-nice-xiangyi has decided to post it up here for those who does not have friendster to read. Claps for xiangyi, she's such a nice and helpful person~! (and for those who doesn't know what friendster is, click http://www.friendster.com , you coconut.) 1.) Fine :**This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. 2.) Five Minutes:**If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. 3.) Nothing :** This is the calm before the storm.This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with Nothing usually end in Fine. 4.) Go Ahead :**This is a dare, not permission.Don't Do It! 5.) Loud Sigh :**This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men.A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about Nothing.(Refer back to #3 for the meaning ofNothing.) 6.) That's Okay :**This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's Okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. 7.) Thanks:**A woman is thanking you, do notquestion, or Faint.Just say you're welcome. 8.) Whatever:**Is a women's way of saying SCREW YOU! 9.) Don't worry about it, I got it:**Another dangerous statement,meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself.This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?"For the woman's response refer to #3. Alright you may not find it funny but I think that's SO TRUE.Oh and btw, COCONUT is a new word of cursing when you do not want to act like lousy people by saying the word F*ck. but then again, saying this word makes me feel so un-glam. what a lame ness huh... alright,enough of blogging. shall start cracking my brain cells for de damn mathematics exercise. =(