Indulge In Food
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23rd Dec
Born and grew up in JB
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Friday, March 14, 2008
I woke up very very early today. 6.30am on holidays is just way too early for me.Note that I DID NOT WANT TO WAKE UP THAT EARLY.
Blame it all on that stupid + no skill newspaper deliver man!!
He threw the newspaper with all the strength he has and DANG!!
The poor newspaper flew and flew and crashed and boomed my front door.
The hard crash alerted the alarm system of my house, and woke the whole neighbourhood up.
So embarrassing.
For your information, this is not the first time he did things like that.
The day before he just threw the newspaper on my new umbrella and spoiled it.
Few weeks ago I woke up and found the newspaper happily swimming in the small fish pond in my garden.
And there was once he delivered the newspaper UP THE ROOF!
I wonder what's next. The glass of my parents' car?
ARGGHHHH why his skills so lousy?! Why the company didn't train him properly before letting him become proper newspaper-deliver-man?!
Make me so geram.